Commercial/Retail Concrete Tweed Heads

There is or at least should be a noticeable difference between residential concrete surfaces and what you’ll find in parking garages, as well as what you may see on a factory floor. Our commercial or retail concrete services are a little different than our parking garage projects, but sometimes they do mix and match. What we’ve learned over the years though is that we truly need to differentiate between what type of surface you want in each area. When concrete companies or builders who are working on a large project get lazy this can be a big issue. Let us explain a little bit more why we feel this way.


Things To Watch Out For When Dealing With A Commercial Concrete Project

What we were getting at in the first paragraph is that you shouldn’t be afraid to build different structures depending on your specific needs. At times, it’s a lot easier to just say we’re going to build a shopping center for example in one piece. Just adjust the parking area to the type of concrete that we want to use for the pathways. That could look really good, but the parking lot is going to be giving you a lot of trouble down the road. The best way to craft something like this would be to have each area be unique. 


Don’t Be Afraid To Add A Unique Finish

Speaking of things being unique, even if it’s a commercial project you don’t have to settle for the plain gray concrete slab. Of course, you’re likely going to want a finish that’s going to last a long time. A stained concrete finish can actually be a good idea. Especially in certain retail spots. It can serve as something to highlight or distinguish your property from those around it. Without making the surface more vulnerable in any way. 


Specific Regulations On Factory Floors

This is something that we take very seriously for obvious reasons. The worst thing that you can do is just assume that you’re in the clear just because it’s a very simple procedure. Particularly when it’s something that you’re doing indoors. We would sometimes agree that there are regulations that are a bit too extreme. Ultimately it is what it is. They need to be followed. Our team will make sure that when we’re building or repairing your concrete surface will be doing so in a way that won’t bring you any trouble moving forward. 


We’re Always Available For Consultations & Repairs

Of course when we build any surface we’re sure it’s going to be able to hold up for a long time. There are certain situations particularly in these types of projects that can damage the concrete. For example if you’re having people drive constantly on concrete that was originally meant to be a walk way you’ll run into trouble sooner rather than later. Whatever the case may be you can be sure that our team is always that one call away. If you’re having trouble with your existing concrete surface be sure to give us a call or contact us!

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